This is a short post about using vm_* (vm_read, vm_write, vm_protect) APIs on macOS to patch a process at runtime.

The code is mostly based on Google Project Zero’s post - Fuzzing iOS code on macOS at native speed by Samuel Groß.

So let’s break it down.

Example app

This demo program runs indefinitely and performs addition on two user-provided integers, pretty straightforward:

// clang -o demo demo.c

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int add(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

int main(int  argc, char **argv) {
    for (;;) {
        printf("[demo] Enter two numbers: ");
        int a, b;
        scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
        int res = add(a, b);
        printf("[demo] %d + %d = %d\n", a, b, res);
    return 0;

Let’s try to patch it to perform multiplication instead of addition.

First, let’s take a look at how add routine looks like in assembly (objdump -x86-asm-syntax=intel -D demo):

0000000100003ec0 <_add>:
100003ec0: 55                               push    rbp
100003ec1: 48 89 e5                         mov     rbp, rsp
100003ec4: 89 7d fc                         mov     dword ptr [rbp - 4], edi
100003ec7: 89 75 f8                         mov     dword ptr [rbp - 8], esi
100003eca: 8b 45 fc                         mov     eax, dword ptr [rbp - 4]
100003ecd: 03 45 f8                         add     eax, dword ptr [rbp - 8]
100003ed0: 5d                               pop     rbp
100003ed1: c3                               ret
100003ed2: 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00    nop     word ptr cs:[rax + rax]
100003edc: 0f 1f 40 00                      nop     dword ptr [rax]

Everything that goes after ret instruction is basically just a nop (does nothing). It’s in there to ensure that the next function is aligned on a 16-byte boundary.

So, here we need to patch add instruction at 0x100003ecd with imul. One more thing to notice here is that x86_64 architecture, which my Mac uses, has variable-length instructions. add has the size of 3 bytes wherever imul is 4 bytes long - 0f af 45 f8. We can quickly verify this using rasm2 (part of radare2).

mbp:~ rasm2 -a x86 -b 64 "imul eax, dword ptr [rbp - 8]"

But because we have the nop-s after the ret, we can safely overwrite them.

So, in the end, we need to patch these 3 instructions:

100003ecd: 03 45 f8         add     eax, dword ptr [rbp - 8]
100003ed0: 5d               pop     rbp
100003ed1: c3               ret

with this (overwriting 1 byte of nop):

100003ecd: 0f af 45 f8      imul    eax, dword ptr [rbp - 8]
100003ed1: 5d               pop     rbp
100003ed2: c3               ret

The patch

The full source code is available at GitHub - vm-demo. Let’s take a look at the most interesting parts.

  1. First, we need to get a task port of our demo process.

     kern_return_t kr;
     task_t task;
     kr = task_for_pid(mach_task_self(), pid, &task);
     if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {

    For this to work our patcher (aka runner), should be signed with entitlement, and our demo should also have

  2. Next step is to find the base virtual address for the main image in our process (the first one found).

     kern_return_t kr;
     vm_address_t image_addr = 0;
     int headers_found = 0;
     vm_address_t addr = 0;
     vm_size_t size;
     vm_region_submap_info_data_64_t info;
     mach_msg_type_number_t info_count = VM_REGION_SUBMAP_INFO_COUNT_64;
     unsigned int depth = 0;
     while (1) {
         kr = vm_region_recurse_64(task, &addr, &size, &depth, (vm_region_info_t)&info, &info_count);
         if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
         unsigned int header;
         vm_size_t bytes_read;
         kr = vm_read_overwrite(task, addr, 4, (vm_address_t)&header, &bytes_read);
         if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
             printf("vm_read_overwrite failed\n");
         if (bytes_read != 4) {
             printf("[-] vm_read read to few bytes\n");
         if (header == MH_MAGIC_64) {
         if (headers_found == 1) {
             image_addr = addr;
         addr += size;

    This code iterates over mapped memory regions using vm_region_recurse_64. Reads 4 bytes from the region using vm_read_overwrite. Compares those 4 bytes with MH_MAGIC_64 (aka 0xfeedfacf). If we have a match, then this is a valid mach_header_64. And because we know that the process’s own image is mapped first, we can exit after the first successful attempt.

  3. The final step is to apply the patch.

     unsigned int patch_offset = 0x3ecd; // offset of the `add` instruction
     vm_address_t patch_addr = image_addr + patch_offset;
     kern_return_t kr;
     kr = vm_protect(task, trunc_page(patch_addr), vm_page_size, false, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE | VM_PROT_COPY);
     if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
         printf("vm_protect failed\n");
     // 0f af 45 f8  imul eax, dword ptr [ebp - 8]
     // 5d           pop ebp
     // c3           ret
     const char* code = "\x0f\xaf\x45\xf8\x5d\xc3";
     kr = vm_write(task, patch_addr, (vm_offset_t)code, 6);
     if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
         printf("vm_write failed\n");
     kr = vm_protect(task, trunc_page(patch_addr), vm_page_size, false, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_EXECUTE);
     if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
         printf("vm_protect failed\n");

    Here we use vm_protect to change the permission of the particular page in virtual memory that we are interested in to rw- (readable, writable, but non-executable) so we can write to it. After that, vm_write is used to apply the patch. And vm_protect is used one more time to revert the permissions back to r-e (readable and executable).

That’s basically it.


In this demo, you can see that our program performs addition on two provided integers, but after applying the patch, it starts multiplying them.


  1. vm-demo
  2. Fuzzing iOS code on macOS at native speed
  3. Apple’s XNU sources
  4. CNU Mach APIs